Tommy's first rice cereal feeding |
My wonderful Grandma, Lorna Nobles, sent me a book called "Baby Love." This book has been amazing at teaching me about making baby food for Tommy. "Baby Love" says that it is important to teach your baby healthy eating habits now. The younger you can "train" a baby to prefer fruits and veggies to junk food and sweet the better. And that is what Tom and I are trying to do with Tommy.
The first food that we introduced to Tommy was rice cereal. There are many recipes that explain how to make single grain rice cereal but I decided that the Gerber Organic Brown Rice was the best for Tommy. After a very messy first attempt, Tommy has decided he LOVES to eat rice cereal. We also introduced single grain oatmeal, which he still does not care much for.
Carrots were the first veggie that we introduced to Tommy. The carrots were cooked (steamed) and pureed in the Beaba Babycook baby food maker. Instead of mixing the carrots with water to smooth out the puree, I mixed a little expressed breast-milk. Putting breast-milk (or formula, if that is your preference) in your baby's food early on helps teach the baby that the stuff you are putting in his mouth will fill him up.
Making Puree "Monkey Food" is super simple. Using the Babycook has been fantastic. When I cook I only make one dirty dish; therefore, clean up is really, really easy.
As of now, Tommy loves sweet potatoes and green peas. He hates avocados, aka baby guacamole. He gags every time we feed them to him; at least he does very good and doesn't spit them out. I'm getting very excited to start mixing the veggies and fruits.
What is funny is when they love carrots and sweet potatoes it makes their nose orange! Watch sweet potatoes for belly aches and gas-they are great but in moderation!